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This blog describes Paintings I created between 2019 – 2021 that explored European Neolithic art and the culture of my ancient forebears. I am interested in this culture as it appears to have been focused […]
For some years, I have been thinking about issues of gender inequality and exploring the idea that gender inequality and gender violence have the same root as human violence against nature. In both cases, the […]
As discussed in other blogs, from 2019-2021, my work was inspired by European Neolithic images from thousands of years ago. In those blogs, I compared the societies that created European Neolithic art to contemporary Western […]
This blog is about real or imaged disparities between abstract art vs real life. Abstract art entails the freedom of creating a visual language of form, colour and line to create compositions independent of the “real” […]
how has suspicion of any clear statement of goals, reference to any absolute principles and denial of any metaphysical basis for existence or thought become the dominant paradigm?
As further research into painting in the 21st Century, this blog looks at some modernist art criticism from the 1960’s & ’70’s. It briefly reviews how two major art critics of that era shaped current […]
This post continues the exploration of the philosophical currents that shape current art practices, in this case the issue of identity and Neo-Liberalism. A previous post, More on Painting, touched on the issue of identity, […]
This blog, Art, Activism & the Avant-Garde sets out to discover whether art has a meaningful role in the face of considerable global ecological, social, economic and cultural problems. Art as Counterbalance When the arts […]
This and other posts that discuss painting, more on painting and even more on painting, are an effort to understand how painting has become a suspect art form. How had it become assumed, among the […]
Richard Powers book, Three Farmers on their Way to a Dance includes an interesting section about progress and technology. Powers suggests that, as culture and its tools changed more in 30 years than in the […]
I’m always looking for readable theories on what is good art as opposed to non-art, mediocre art or art that is not worth talking about. So I’ve been reading the third in a series from […]
Along with many others, I have written several blogs on modernism and postmodernism, what defines them and differentiates them in an ongoing effort to make sense of the relevance of art and artists in current […]
My recent paintings are inspired by ideas from Quantum Physics in which there is no hard & firm reality but a range of endless possibilities. In my limited understanding of Quantum physics, I take it […]
Years ago, I spent 3 weeks in Florence Italy, with day trips to Siena & Lucca. It was a heavenly immersion in Italian Renaissance art, with a generous helping of my favourite motif – wingéd […]
As I am a keen gardener, I created a series of paintings, using my plants as subjects, to capture in oils my understanding that life is a continual state of flux in which formless takes […]
I used to claim that, “I make art because I have to” as the daily pursuit of the elusive goal of expressing ideas visually gave my life focus and direction in the same way that […]
I’ve had a few requests for more information on how I worked on the polystyrene armature for The Singer, so rather give an individual response, I thought I would post a bit more detail on […]